Ulica talcev 9
8351 Straža
V občini Straža imamo pet cerkva. Farna cerkev sv. Jakoba v Vavti vasi ima dve podružnici: Cerkev sv. Tomaža v Straži in cerkev Marije Tolažnice žalostnih na Drganjih selih. Cerkev Vnebovzetja Matere božje v nekdanji Dolnji Straži in cerkev sv. Martina v Zalogu pa sta podružnični cerkvi sv. Antona v Prečni. Poleg cerkva pa je v občini veliko razpel, križev in kapelic, ki so jih občani postavili v zahvalo ali priprošnjo. Cerkev sv. Jakoba v Vavti vasi je baročna župnijska cerkev zasnovana v 18. stoletju, ki jo krasi Goldensteinova scenska arhitektura oltarjev iz leta 1855. Cerkev Sv. Tomaža iz 14. stoletja in romanska ladja ter tristrani prezbiterij z grebenastim obokom iz 17. stoletja. Cerkev sv. Marije, tolažnice žalostnih na Drganjih Selih iz srednjega veka je bila v začetku 18. stol. temeljito barokizirana. Današnji prezbiterij je obokan. Stranska oltarja sta iz 18. stoletja. Križev pot, naslikan na papir in z napisi v bohoričici, je ljudsko delo. Cerkev Vnebovzetja Matere božje v nekdanji Dolnji Straži je baročna cerkev s konca 17. stoletja natančneje iz leta 1690. Cerkev je pozidana na osmerokotni tlorisni osnovi s prislonjenim zvonikom in plitvo kapelo. Cerkev sv. Martina v Zalogu - leto graditve ali posvetitve nista znana, omenjena pa je v popisu cerkva škofa Bizancija leta 1581. Domneva se, da je tu prvotno stala kapelica. Cerkvena ladja je pravokotna, baročno obokana. Prezbiterij je tudi pravokoten, zaključen v gotskem stilu.
Opis in podrobnosti so predstavljene v zloženki.
The Churches in the MunicipalityThere are five churches in the municipality of Straža . The Parish Church of St. Jacob in Vavta vas has two subsidiary churches: the Church of St. Thomas in Straža and the Church of St. Mary, a Consoler to the Sad in Drganja sela.
The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in the former Dolnja Straža and the Church of St. Martin in Zalog are subsidiaries of the Church of St. Anthony in Prečna. In addition to the churches in the municipality of Straža, there are many crucifixes, crosses and chapels built by the local parishioners for thanksgiving or for intercession. The Church of St. Jacob in Vavta vas is a Baroque parish church designed in the 18th century, adorned with Goldenstein scenic architecture of altars from the year 1855. The Church of St. Thomas is from the 14th century, and a Romanesque nave and a three-sided presbytery with a crest vault are from the 17th century.
The Church of St. Mary, a Consoler to the Sad in Drganja Sela from the Middle Ages, was at the beginning of the 18th century thoroughly changed into a Baroque style. The present presbytery is vaulted. The side altars are from the 18th century. The Way of the Cross, painted on paper, with inscriptions in Bohorič alphabet, is a folk art.
The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in the former Dolnja Straža is a Baroque church from the end of the 17th century, to be more precise - from the year 1690. The church was built on an octagonal floor base, with a leaned bell tower and a shallow chapel.
The Church of St. Martin in Zalog - the years of construction or consecration are not known, however, it is mentioned in the Census of Churches by Bishop Bizancij in the year 1581. It is assumed that, originally, there stood a chapel. The nave is rectangular, arched in the Baroque way. The presbytery is also rectangular, finished in the Gothic style.
The descriptions and the details are presented in the brochure.