Ulica talcev 9
8351 Straža
Vzletišče Peter je namenjeno za vzletanje jadralnih padalcev, hkrati pa je tudi priljubljena točka za pohodnike. Prizadevni člani Kluba za prosto letenje Kanja, s sedežem v Dolenjskih Toplicah, so s svojim prostovoljnim delom očistili planjavo in jo lepo uredili za varno vzletanje. Otvoritev vzletišča je bila leta 2005.
Vzletišče Peter leži nad Dolenjim Poljem na nadmorski višini 464m, jugovzhodna lega s pogledom po topliški dolini, proti Ljubnu in proti Gorjancem. Prostor za pristajanje iz Vzletišča Peter leži takoj za silosom v smeri proti Straži na nadmorski višini 181m. Višinska razlika med startom in pristankom je 283m. Več informacij glede letenja in letenje v tandemu na: http://www.kpl-kanja.si/
Dostop iz Straže:
Z avtom:
Dostop je iz smeri Straža proti Soteski - pri avtovleki Bradač zavij ostro desno (nevarno zavijanje na desno, priporočeno je, da se odpeljemo naprej in obrnemo avto ca. 20 m naprej) , nato se po asfaltu naprej držimo levo in ko je asfalta konec zavijemo ostro desno po makadamu ca. 200 m do obračališča in tablice vzletišče 10 min. Tam pustimo avto in se peš odpravimo do vzletišča.
Peš - glej Izleti in poti - Vinogradniška pot
Vzletišče Peter (The Runway Peter)The Runway Peter is meant for paragliders’ taking off, and at the same time it is also a very popular sight for hikers. Devoted members of the Club for Free Flying Kanja, based in Dolenjske Toplice, with their volunteer work cleaned the plain and neatly arranged it for a safe takeoff. The opening of the runway was in 2005.
The Runway Peter is placed above Dolenje Polje at 464m asl., south-eastern location overlooking the Topliška valley, towards Ljuben and the Gorjanci. The space for landing from the Runway Peter is situated right behind the silo in direction towards Straža at 181m asl. The height difference between the takeoff and the landing is 283m. More information about the flying and the flying in tandem can be found on the following website: http://www.kpl-kanja.si/
Access from Straža:
By car:
The access is from the Straža direction towards Soteska; at the car-tow Bradač turn right sharply (it is a dangerous turn to the right and, therefore it is recommended that you drive further and turn your car backwards about 20 metres ahead), and, keeping along the road to the left, when the asphalt road ends turn right sharply onto a macadam road for approx. 200 m till you reach a turning plate and a signpost for the runway in 10 min. There we leave the car and walk to the runway.
Walking: See Izleti in poti - Vinogradniška pot