Ulica talcev 9
8351 Straža
Leži približno 200m severovzhodno po gozdni cesti od Velike Prepadne. Vhod v premeru meri 1m in se nadaljuje v brezno, globoko 16m. Takoj po vhodu se razširi v manjšo dvorano z nekaj stebri in je vsa zasigana. Jama se nadaljuje z zasiganim rovom, kjer so tla iz balvanov med katerimi se dvigujejo stalaktiti. Rov se počasi dviguje in tu so manjša brezna globoka od 3-5m, ki se končujejo z gruščem. Na levi je suha struga široka do 2m, ki spremlja glavni rov do zožitve, ki pripelje v manjšo končno dvorano, veliko 2x4m. Rov se zoži in po 4m ni več prehoden. Glavni rov ostro zavije proti vzhodu in se spusti do brezna, globokega 8m in širokega 1-51,5 m.
Glavni rov je lepo zakapan, saj vhod v brezno preprečuje obiske.
MALA PREPADNA / The Small AbyssIt is located approx. 200m north-east from Velika prepadna along the forest road. Its entrance measures 1m in diameter and continues into an abyss which is 16m deep. Right after the entrance it expands into a small hall with a few pillars, and it is completely calcified. The cave continues with a calcified tunnel that has the boulders ground from which the stalactites lift. The tunnel slowly rises, and there are small abysses 3-5m deep which end up with the rubble. On the left is a dry riverbed of 2m width that follows the main tunnel to the narrowing, which leads into a smaller final hall of size 2x4m. The tunnel then further narrows down, and after 4 metres it is no longer passable. The main tunnel turns sharply to the east and down into the abyss, which is 8m deep and 1 to 51.5 m wide.
The main tunnel is nicely calcified as the entrance into the abyss prevents visits.