Ulica talcev 9
8351 Straža
Vinska trta pri nas uspeva in daje vino praktično že od nekdaj. Na ozemlju Slovenije se je pojavila že s prihodom prvih naseljencev. Že Kelti so štiri stoletja pred našim štetjem razširjali vinsko trto, ki so jo Rimljani nato še razširili. Za dvig vinogradništva in kakovost vin v srednjem veku so skrbeli predvsem menihi, ki so v 11. stoletju pripomogli k začetku vzpona vinogradništva. Svojo vlogo je odigralo tudi gorsko pravo iz 13. stoletja, ki je uvedlo zakupnino za vinograde.Da se z vinogradništvom na območju Straže ukvarjajo že veliko let, pričajo ostanki zapuščenih in že z mogočnimi drevesi zarasle zidanice skoraj do vrha Straške gore - Srobotnika. Sončna lega in pridne roke domačinov sta ključ, da trta dobro uspeva na tem strmem področju. V letih od 1900 do 1901 je vinsko trto uničila trtna uš, leto kasneje pa še hud mraz. Vinograde so domačini srčno obnovili z ameriškimi sortami. Samorodnico - šmarnico, amerikan, bakuš, tinton, angara..., so danes vinogradniki nadomestili, že v večini vinogradov, z žlahtnimi sortami. K temu je pripomogla tudi bolezen zlata trsna rumenica, ki se je od leta 2010 zelo razširila po naših vinogradih. Zlata trsna rumenica je karantenska bolezen vinske trte, ki jo povzroča fitoplazma Grapevine flavescencedorée (FD). Bolezen se v vinogradih zelo hitro širi s pomočjo ameriškega škržatka, ki prenaša fitoplazmo z okuženih na zdrave trte. Vinogradniki so v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki in inšpekcijsko službo do leta 2015, že močno omejili bolezen s škropljenjem in uničevanjem okuženih trt. Ker je bolezen prizadela v večji meri samorodnice so le te nadomestili s trtami žlahtnih sort.
Straška, Nova in Stara gora ter Ljuben so naša vinorodna območja, ki spadajo v Posavsko-Dolenjski vinorodni okoliš, kjer je doma cviček. Od tod prihajajo prijetna lahka, rdečkasta in bela vina z izraženo kislino in nežno cvetico.
Vinorodni okoliš Dolenjske meri 4.275 ha. Od belih sort uspevajo: kraljevina, rumeni plavec, laški rizling, zeleni silvanec, ranina, beli pinot, chardonnay, sauvignon, kerner, renski rizling. Od rdečih sort uspevajo: portugalka, šentlovrenka, gamay, żametovka, frankinja, zweigelt, modri pinot.Značilno vino tega vinorodnega okoliša je dolenjski cviček, ki je postal že kar sinonim za vinorodno Dolenjsko. Je zvrst, ki jo sestavljajo sorte: žametna črnina, modra frankinja, kraljevina in laški rizling. Za cviček je značilna svetlo rdeča barva, lepo zaznavna kislina in sorazmerno nizka vsebnost alkohola, ki ne presega 10 vol.%. Prijetno pitno suho rdečkasto vino, s cvetico ki spominja na maline, jagode in ribez se prilega številnim jedem, saj s svojo lahkotnostjo in živahnostjo dopolnjuje veliko različnih okusov.Vinogradniki naše občine so združeni v društvu - Društvu vinogradnikov Straža, k z medsebojnim sodelovanjem, izmenjavo znanja ter organiziranju raznih strokovnih predavanj, skrbijo za zdravje vinske trte v vinogradih in z dobrim kletarjenjem za kakovost vina.
Društvo vinogradnikov Straža
Več o društvu na spletni strani: Društvo vinogradnikoc Straža
The VinegrowingVines in our region have grown and produced wine practically since the beginnings of time. Vines occurred on the territory of Slovenia with the arrival of the first settlers. The Celts already, in the 4th century BC, planted vines which the Romans hereafter even expanded. The raise of the quality of the wine and viticulture in the Middle Ages was mainly due to the care of the monks, who in the 11th century helped with the beginnings of the rise of viticulture. The ‘hill legislation’ from the 13th century also played an important role since it introduced a rent for vineyards.
The proof that the area of Straža has been engaged in the vinegrowing for many years are the remainings of abandoned vine-cottages and the mighty trees growing over the ones built at the top of the Straška gora – the Srobotnik. Its sunny position and hardworking locals are the key to the vine growing well in this steep area. In the years from 1900 to 1901 vines were destroyed by vine lice, and a year after it was affected by a severe frost. Self-growing vines, such as šmarnica, amerikan, bakus, tinton, angara, etc. were replaced in most of the vineyards with noble varieties. This was also due to a grapevine disease callled Zlata trsna rumenica, which has much spread in our vineyards since 2010. Zlata trsna rumenica is a quarantine disease of the grapevine caused by Grapevine flavescencedorée (FD). The disease in vineyards spreads very quickly through the US leafhopper that transmits phytoplasma from the infected to healthy vines. Our winegrowers in cooperation with experts and inspection services have by the year 2015, already severely limited this disease by sprinkling and also by destroying the infected vines. Because this disease had affected mostly self-growing vines, these were replaced with vines of noble sorts.
Straška, Nova and Stara gora, and Ljuben are our wine-growing areas which fall within the Posavsko-Dolenjska winegrowing region ehich is the home of Cviček. From here come nicely bright red and white wines with pronounced acidity and delicate flavour.
the vineyard area of Dolenjska (transl. the Lower Carniola) measures 4,275 ha. From the white sorts of grape varieties thrive Royalty, Yellow Plavec, Latin Riesling, Green Sylvaner, Ranina, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Kerner, the Renn Riesling; while from the red sorts of grapes thrive Portugalka, Šentlovrenka, Gamay, Žametovka, Franconian, Zweigelt, Pinot Noir.
Typical wine of this region is Dolenjska’s Cviček, which has become quite a synonym for the vine-growing Lower Carniola. Cviček is a kind of wine consisting of the following sorts: Black Velvet, Blue Franc, Royalty and Latin Riesling. Cviček is characterized by a bright red color, a nicely tasting acidity, and relatively low alcohol content that does not exceed 10 vol.%. A pleasantly smooth dry red wine, with a taste resembling that of raspberries, strawberries and currants, goes well with many dishes due to its lightness and liveliness which complement many different flavours.
The winegrowers of our county are joined in the association – The Association of Winegrowers Straža, where with mutual cooperation, exchange of knowledge and with organizing various lectures they care for the health of the vine in the vineyards and, with good cellaring, for a good quality of wines.
The Association of Winegrowers Straža
More on the association is found on its website: Društvo vinogradnikov Straža